Pillar 3a/3b


It is common knowledge that everyone needs a third pillar. But which of the various solutions is the right one for me? Find attractive pension solutions now and save on taxes at the same time.

Pillar 3a
Tax-priviliged savings

Pillar 3a

Under the Swiss three-pillar system, the interaction of all three pillars allows you to safeguard your standard of living in old age. Demographic trends are also a key factor to consider. Life expectancies are increasing, while conversion rates in pension cover are falling. This means that private pension solutions are becoming increasingly relevant as they allow people to maintain the standard of living they are used to after retirement.

In pillar 3a, the saved capital is reserved for old age and can only be withdrawn early under certain conditions. Furthermore, the tied pension plan is promoted by the federal government and the cantons through an attractive tax concession: this also makes it an appealing solution for homeowners, especially in the context of indirect amortisation of mortgage debt.

When developing your third pillar, you should consider the following questions:

  • Which solution is ideal for me - bank or insurance?
  • Are there any gaps in my pension that need to be closed?
  • Is my family adequately covered in the event of death or disability? What risks should be insured against in addition to the savings process?
  • How much should I save for my old age in order to maintain my desired standard of living?
  • As a property owner, what do I need to consider regarding the affordability of my mortgage in old age? What preventive measures can be taken?
  • How long is my investment horizon and what return would I like to achieve with my savings?

A stable pension puts your plans for the future on a solid foundation. This is why our experts are on hand to help you with tailor-made pension solutions.

Savings 3b
For optimal pension cover

Savings 3b

In addition to the tied 3a pension cover, the option of saving for your old age within the framework of the free 3b pension cover is also available. If you have already paid the maximum amount into pillar 3a, pillar 3b is ideally suited to further asset accumulation as well as the closing of pension gaps in the event of disability or death. In contrast to Pillar 3a, the capital saved can be freely disposed of - only the tax advantage does not apply.

The ideal pension solution does not fall from the sky: let our independent pension analysis prepare a quote tailored to your personal needs and leverage our long-standing expertise.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Independent pension and risk analysis

  • Periodical review of your pension situation in the event of significant life events (birth or adoption of a child, marriage, registered partnership, purchase of a home, etc.).
  • Review of your pension situation with regard to home financing
  • Elaboration of customised solutions to suit your personal needs
  • Comparison of several providers as well as contract processing